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tv   Today  NBC  December 17, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EST

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♪ we are back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning, the 17th day of december 2009. you see lots of scarves and earmuffs and mittens. that's because it is cold here the new york area. temperature only about 27 degrees right now with a little wind in the air. it feels a lot chillier than that. >> in the teens. >> it's brisk. >> yes. >> very brisk. >> you know what, these people get here at 4:30, 5:00 in the morning, so let them have their moment in the sun. >> yes. >> out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with natalie morales and al roker. and coming up, we're going to talk more about an international custody dispute that's been going on for five years now. david goldman has been trying to get his son sean back from brazil. finally, a high court in brazil has ruled that sean and his
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father must be reunited. david on his way to brazil even as we speak. and we had a chance to catch up with him before he boarded that plane. it's a candid and emotional interview. we'll share it for you. >> got to be such a roller coaster of emotion. hard for anyone to imagine. >> he's gotten so close each time. >> it's almost like hoping against hope at this point. >> yeah. >> what a christmas, though, that would be. >> absolutely. and a subject near and dear to our hearts, and that's sleep. >> or lack of. >> well, it turns out, it's not only just the amount of sleep you get but the kind of sleep you get. we're going to be talking with dr. nancy snyderman, who's got more advice -- who's got some advice on how to become a more efficient sleeper. >> all right. and if you're hosting a holiday party this year, well, you're in store for a real treat because we have design expert colin cowie here to share some incredible different settings and party themes that you can do for your holiday gathering that's not going to cost you a lot of money. >> and drinks! >> and it features tequila! >> i don't think there was much in there, actually.
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let's get a check of the news headlines. ann's standing by with that. good morning. >> good morning to you, matt. good morning, everybody. in the news this morning, today in northwest pakistan, witnesses say seven u.s. drones have fired at least ten missiles in what is said to be the largest missile attack in that area. at least two suspected militants have been killed. mean tile, militants in iraq have been reportedly able to hack into live video feeds from u.s. predator drones to potentially evade or monitor military operations. there is also evidence that militants in afghanistan and possibly pakistan have been able to do this as well. president obama leaves today for the international climate summit in copenhagen, where this morning a danish official said negotiations between rich and poor countries are deadlocked. meantime, secretary of state hillary clinton called climate change one of the most urgent global challenges of our time. there are new developments in a new jersey father's five-year legal battle to regain custody of his son now living in brazil. nbc's jeff rossen has more on this. hi, jeff, good morning.
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>> hi, again. and good morning to you. david goldman flew all night to brazil to pick up his sean and bring him home. the new brazilian court ruling is pretty clear -- david and sean, father and son, should be reunited by friday. i sat down with david goldman for an exclusive interview. we met with david goldman wednesday, just after the judge's ruling, a unanimous decision by brazil's federal appeals court, saying sean goldman belongs with his father, david, and they belong at home in the u.s. >> it's a great ruling. i mean, they upheld the return order unanimously. that's wonderful. thank god. >> yippee! >> yippee. >> reporter: the judge has ordered sean be returned to david within 48 hours, setting the stage for an emotional reunion in brazil on friday. what's going through your heart and your mind? >> i'm so guarded and protected. i have to preserve myself and my
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emotions. until we're on a plane, and essentially, until the wheels have landed back home, i only have one vision, and that's just to save him and bring him back. >> reporter: do you think this is it this time, you're getting him? >> i hope so. he's my son. i'm his only dad. i'm hopeful that i will go down there and bring him home. >> reporter: but david goldman's been burned so many times before. last-minute appeals and legal loopholes always did him in. david's wife took sean to brazil to visit her family in 2004. they never came back. from brazil, she divorced david, remarried, got pregnant and died during childbirth. her new brazilian husband has been fighting to keep sean with him, and until now, the brazilian courts mostly ruled in his favor. so, it's understandable that david isn't jumping for joy yet. >> i've been fighting for my own son for over five years. >> reporter: david says the brazilian government has ignored international law, saying
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kidnapped children must be returned home. in fact, just before our interview, there was another setback. the brazilian family has already filed appeals and a motion to stay to try to block you from taking him back home. >> it's to be expected, and who knows what will happen? he's everything. he's my child, my flesh and blood. he was my best buddy, and it's not over yet. it's not over yet. >> he says sean has been hurt by his brazilian family. david calls them the kidnappers. the reunion could happen tomorrow, but as we mentioned, there is a motion to block that reunion. we're told the brazilian judges, ann, could hear it today. >> all right, jeff, thank you so much. and on a final note, they're already planning for next year's new york, new york's times square new years celebration. the numbers 1 and 0 were lit up on tuesday, a test for 2010, illuminating the ball drops to ring in the new year.
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that is an early glimpse. it's now five minutes past the hour. let's go to al. thanks a lot, ann. of course, we continue with our 16th annual toy drive. joining us right now from leapfrog, leading educational manufacturer, is shannon ice, a very fitting name on this -- >> yes, it's chilly out here. >> you guys have always been so nice for us. what are you doing this year? >> this year, leapfrog is donating $40,000 worth of their learning toys. it's a great learning company. parents love the products for that reason and they're looking forward to helping a lot of kids learn this year. >> and you put a lot of emphasis on helping groups like us. >> we're here for the fifth year and over $5 million worth of products, but it's a year-long endeavor for leapfrog. >> thank you. happy holidays. >> you as well. let's show you what's happening. we've got a coastal storm developing starting tomorrow morning, and it moves up the coast, bringing first rain, then heavy snow from the carolinas on into virginia. we have got winter storm watches already up right now for parts
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of the carolinas on into virginia. snowfall amounts? we are talking some areas from west virginia into the carolinas on into the delmarva peninsula anywhere from a foot and a half to 18 inches of snow to 9 inches of snow. some areas as you get into the northeast only about one to three inches. but generally, we're talking half a foot to a foot and >> things pretty quiet on this thursday morning. sunshine add to the afternoon it will be breezy and chilly. >> and that's your latest weather. ann?
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>> announcer: "daily dose" is brought to you by multigrain cheerios cereal. because it tastes good. ♪ al, thanks. this morning on "today's daily dose," the sleep cycle. there is nothing like a good night's rest. we all know that too well around here. but some experts say how you sleep is just as important as the amount. nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman is joining us to answer some of your questions. hi, dr. nancy, good morning. >> hi, ann. >> you're talking about how deeply we sleep, and that can affect our performance in so many ways. what are the cycles? >> we are always worried about the amount of sleep, but there are two things we need to do. most of us know light sleep, but the deep sleep and rem sleep is what we don't hear much about. in deep sleep, your blood pressure drops, your tissues are retornado. this is probably what not only allows you to lose weight when you sleep, but can add years on to your life. >> how do you create the conditions to get the deep sleep
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that you need? >> well, in order to do that, you have to figure out the same time to go to bed at night and avoid some real pitfalls. alcohol is probably the biggest pitfall around. people think, well, if i just have a shot of this or a glass of wine, i'll do better, but that keeps you in the lighter sleep and doesn't allow the deep sleep. >> we've got some questions. first karen is on the phone from indiana. karen, what's your question? >> caller: well, i don't have any problem getting to sleep at night and i actually sleep very well, but i dream all night, and when i get up in the morning, then i feel like i've been up all night. >> you know, this is really interesting, because a lot of people think -- and classically, r.e.m. sleep, which is another stage of sleep, is when we think we dream, because we dream a lot there, and that's when your brain really gets restored in r.e.m. sleep. but interestingly, we probably dream more through the night than we've ever given ourselves credit for, and we think it's the dreams that have us
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supercharged, but probably there's something else going on. we dream, in fact, through light sleep, also, and you may not be getting into that deep restorative sleep. one of the at-home sleep monitors you can get, or even a sleep test, can tell you how much sleep you get and how fragmented it is. so, for you, exactly, look at your sleep hygiene. same time to go to bed at night, watch out for things like alcohol, medications, and don't exercise. give yourself at least three hours between exercise and going to bed, because that can interfere, too. >> karen, good luck with that. now a viewer e-mail from risa. she writes -- "i'm a full-time student, a whif and mother of four kids. i usually average five to six hours of sleep a night. on a rare occasion, i am able to get more sleep, i feel less rested, groggy and unable to focus. does this mean i need more? >> well, having spoken to sleep
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experts, i think it's very individualized. no doubt, this country is running low on sleep. our tank is like almost out, but not everybody needs seven to eight hours of sleep a night. and for those people, extra sleep can make them groggy. famously, bill clinton said i only need four hours of sleep a night, and that may be right for him, not right for everybody. five to six hours may be just enough. >> so, having -- if that's just a number -- does that mean those people are able to get the deep sleep they need much faster than the rest of us? >> yes, and the important thing may not be when you get up in the morning. it may be the important time of knowing when it's time to go to bed. going to bed may be as important as the amount of sleep that you get. >> okay. we've got nan on the plaza. hey, nan. what's your question? >> good morning, dr. nancy! >> hello, nan. >> i have a question about falling asleep. with the stress of the holiday season, what are your suggestions for actually being able to fall asleep at night? >> you know, it's really hard, because not only do we stay up late doing a lot of stuff around the house, but it's, again, the
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disruption of sleep/wake patterns. it is alcohol and other medications. so, the most important thing is, go for a walk, meditate, avoid alcohol. figure out, no matter what the stresses are, that you're going to pick a specific time at night that you know is good. and frankly, i'll tell you what's helped me for than anything else, i got the television set out of the bedroom. you're better off to fall asleep reading a book than you are to have blasting images in your face. computers, same thing. they wire our brain and rev them up. if you want to start sleeping well, again, pick a smart time, avoid the nicotine and alcohol and make sure that you look at sleep hygiene as importantly as the food that you put into your mouth. >> i also find when i'm stressed out that writing something down in a journal or getting it off of my chest before i go to sleep, that helps a lot. >> it's almost a self-meditation. you've got to figure out that special thing for you. >> we should continue talking about this another time, because it's important. >> shall do. >> dr. nancy snyderman, great to see you. >> thanks, annie. coming up next, a special performance, a live performance from none other that n alicia
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keys. but next, making your holiday entertaining memorable. top tips from a major designer, colin cowie, coming up. how long is she going to be living here? (mom) give her one of these... (announcer) cheerios, with one single gram of sugar... ahh... hey... (announcer) ...makes for a perfect beginning. maybe we'll keep her. (cheerios spilling) (announcer) how can something so little... do something so big.
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to build up his savings account. use your debit card for everyday purchases and automatically build your savings. with keep the change®. only from bank of america. pediatricians trust children's tylenol. to help their fevers, aches and pains feel better. cococome up for a visit. mom: so we took her to our olive garden. girl: it was really cool just hanging out - the three of us. vo: try our new manicotti formaggio with shrimp in creamy carbonara sauce.
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or with chicken in homemade parmesan sauce. vo: only at olive garden. cer: trying to be good to your heart? so is campbell's healthy request soup. low in fat and cholesterol, heart healthy levels of sodium, and taste you'll love. guy: mmmm! chef: we're kind of excited about it. announcer: campbell's healthy request. of maxwell house's flavor lock lid. hear that? seals it tight. smells like fresh ground. fresh fresh fresh fre-- that's our favorite part. ...fresh! (announcer) taste why maxwell house is good to the last drop. >> announcer: "countdown to christmas" is brought to you by discover. it pays to discover. this morning on "today's home," entertaining for the holidays.
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whether it's a christmas eve cocktail party or a new year's eve bash, you can create a fabulous look sure to make a statement with your guests. interior designer and columnist colin cowie has some inexpensive, no-fuss ideas. colin, good morning. >> good morning, natalie. how are you? >> i'm great. happy holidays. truly, before we get to these beautiful settings, you've got some good points to make. you say, first of all, it really is about no fuss, right? >> it's about no fuss, being resourceful. everything i show you today can be store bought, but we spend a lot of time on the presentation. the theme is really trying to combine the right alcohol cocktails and the right food. >> it's not like a sit-down, formal dinner we're talking about. this is more casual get-togethers. >> when you have a lot of people coming over and it's real easy. and when you set these up, you don't need help because people can go from one station to the next and help themselves. >> let's talk about the first station, sort of a mexican theme going on. >> it's kind of like south of the border. >> we like that. tequila. it's a tequila bar. >> tequila really is the new
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vodka. what i love about tequila, can make you very thirsty on a friday or make you feel very 9:00 at 6:00. but -- >> i'll take your word for it. >> because these are good quality tequilas, it's more about sipping rather than doing shots. we've prepared beautiful glasses. i love the idea of serving good-quality tequila with an ice cube -- >> the stemware -- >> so, we have four different types of tequila and we prepare that with four different types of salsa. >> salsa. >> and i like to put a name tag in front of each one of them so guests can understand exactly what it is they're eating. >> tell us about the decor here, it's beautiful. >> the decor tends to take up a lot of space sometimes. i prefer to go vertical rather than horizontal. >> that's a great idea. >> we have candles. these are round balls. >> so easy. >> the great thing about this decor is this can be done two days in advance. >> easy and elegant. >> yes. >> let's move over here to the
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wine and port bar, which is probably my favorite right here. a lot of different kinds of wine. >> absolutely. we have four different red wines and two bottles of port. wines all less than $10 a bottle. >> oh, good. >> so, it's from best western and the great thing about this is it gives us the ability to let guests know exactly what they're drinking. >> exactly. >> so, you don't need to buy a case of matching wine. just pull out the wine you have and it's a wine bar. >> and that pairs perfectly with cheese -- >> and ports with cheese. >> all this, exactly. >> all the food here really is about a beautiful, lavish presentation, which makes it look rather abundant. >> this is another beautiful setting, real easy thing to do. >> this is really easy, will last from this season to next season as well, as long as you don't let the bugs get in. this is basically walnuts and in the negative spaces we hot-glued holiday ornaments. >> beautiful. and the candles. >> the candles really bring it alive. >> gorgeous. now, let's look over here. this is for the person with a sweet tooth, your truffle bar. >> exactly. >> and i guess your fondue.
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>> this is a marshmallow fondue. we have different types of chocolates, the marshmallow fondue, ready to go. >> gorgeous. >> and i've paired that with a fabulous martini, a creme boulet martini. >> my goodness, wow. now we're talking. >> you have to try this because they really are good. >> and the setting here is gorgeous. just marshmallows with peppermint. >> just marshmallows with a peppermint candy cane. we're good to go. >> happy holidays. colin cowie, thank you so much. i wish you could come decorate for us always. happy holidays. still to come, from holiday style in your home to your wardrobe. how to add pizazz without the high price tag. for 29 years. smoked the one thing about smoking - is it dominates your life, and it dominated mine. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit.
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it was very interesting that you could smoke on the first week. (announcer) chantix is a non-nicotine pill. in studies, 44% of chantix users were quit during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment, compared to 18% on sugar pill. it is proven to reduce the urge to smoke. i did have an unopen pack of cigarettes in my purse and i said, "what the heck, i don't need these..." ...i said, you know, "bye, i don't need you anymore, you're not my crutch, i don't need a crutch." (announcer) talk to your doctor about chantix and a support plan that's right for you. some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice agitation, hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. talk to your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which can get worse while taking chantix. some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to chantix, some of which can be life threatening. if you notice swelling of face, mouth, throat or a rash
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stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away. tell your doctor which medicines you are taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. chantix dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. the most common side effect is nausea. patients also reported trouble sleeping and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. until you know how chantix may affect you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. chantix should not be taken with other quit smoking products. with the chantix and with the support system, it worked. it worked for me. (announcer) talk to your doctor to find out if prescription chantix is right for you. bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? it pays to discover. instead, make your own special dinner for less
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with ragu pasta sauce and wish-bone salad dressing from walmart. have a delicious meal at home once a month and save over $490 a year. save money. live better. walmart. i thought that's what you wanted? it is. it's just. you spent way too much. what? i've been a bad girl. i've been reading allison's diary, and i got a d on a spelling test, and i forged your signature... honey, we didn't really spend that much. ♪ chestnuts roasting ♪ on an open fire. "the lovely bones" is the story of a young girl who had been murdered, then watches over her family. this week, stanley tucci
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received a golden globe nod for his role in the film. more importantly, did it win with gene shalit? >> good morning and welcome to the "critic's corner." 14-year-old susie salmon has been murdered. take her word for it. she not only tells us, she shows us how it happened on her way home from school. it's in the new movie "the lovely bones," directed by that master of vigorous fantasy, peter jackson. >> dad! >> susie, in her heaven-bound way station keeps watch on her anguished family below cast in grief. mom, rachel weisz, grandma, susan sarandon. >> what will it be, jack? >> her sister, rose macgyver, their neighbor, stanley tucci. and most of all, her beloved father, mark wahlberg. >> now, that is a thing of beauty. >> susie strains to guide her inconsolable father who's desperately groping for any
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trail to track and trap whoever killed her child. >> why won't you listen to him? >> because you need evidence. you need proof. >> emotions are splintled in this snarled of depraved, cunning and innocence, with striking illusions, most gorgeously seen as ships in bottles stuttering at sea. above all, seer she ronan as susie is a dream. >> she's not a ghost. she doesn't have the roles we've seen before. >> peter "lord of the rings" jackson scores again, transposing the beautiful book into a vibrant film. "the lovely bones" is lovely and no bones about it. and that's the "critic's corner" for today. >> love the cast. >> i love the book, so i'm glad that the film does it justice. >> yeah. i know there's been some controversy about the movie, but it's really -- i hope it does really well. anyway. >> speaking of one gene to another. gene simmons stops by. also, we've got grammy-winning r&b artist alicia
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keys giving us a live performance, guys, in just a couple of moments. >> lucky us. than a comparable honda civic. this chevy traverse has better mileage than honda pilot. the all-new chevy equinox has better mileage than honda cr-v. and chevy malibu has better mileage than accord. however, honda does make something that we just can't compete with. it's self propelled. chevy. compare us to anyone and may the best car win. oh, your mom brought that over. no way! these are the ornaments from when i was a kid. this is from mommy's first ballet recital. oh, and this is when i got a two-wheeler. pretty awesome. i used to have one of these. there's a new one. "for lucy, to get her started. love, grandma." look lucy, this one's for you. ( gasps ) hallmark keepsake ornaments. at your hallmark gold crown store. one of many ways to find meaning inside.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. a grim projection for the state's revenue in the project economy report, with another $77 million dropped. the state is already facing a debt as between $1.5 billion and $2 billion. gov. martin o'malley says that this proves that maryland needs more help to avoid more layoffs. the fiscal year 2011 budget will be submitted to the general assembly next month. the budget woes are reverberating through baltimore city. leaders are considering new revenue sources.
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the controller says that his bill could generate more than $1 million a year and sets commercial parking lots that are not paying taxes. >> i think it is incumbent upon all of us in city government to come up with some ideas about how to raise revenues without raising taxes on the the folks. >> a recent round of budget cuts to the fire department has been storing controversy. firefighters said that the cuts are responsible for the death of one man and they're planning a massive rally and march on city hall later in the day. let's look to the forecast with tony pann. >> things will be quiet over the next couple of days until we get to the weekend. today, mostly sunny skies, and chilly conditions. high temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40's. it will feel cooler than that because the priest of the northwest. -- because of the breeze out of the northwest.
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it is still too early to say how much is now we will get over the weekend just yet. >> we will have another update at 9:55.
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and you worry your pipes might leak (pipe doctor) ask your doctor about treating with vesicare. (pipe woman) then you could treat yourself to a night out with fewer urges or a day with fewer leaks or a trip with fewer overactive bladder problems. (pipe doctor) once daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to reduce frequent, sudden urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. tell your doctor right away if you have a serious allergic reaction, severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. (pipe woman) so, you could treat yourself to more time with friends and family or more of whatever you like to do with fewer urges and leaks.
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ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. ♪ ow! >> dogs howling everywhere, okay? it's that time of year again. yes, we're making fools of ourselves. the folks in the control room get their revenge. they dig out the most embarrassing moments and some of the fun that we've had. we're going to wrap the year end up all day long tomorrow on "today." >> it's one of those things, actually, we didn't actually do on tv. we thought they were -- those things we knew we were on television, but some are behind the scenes. they pull out those bits together and it's fun -- >> embarrassing. >> a year gone by, right? >> meantime, we have a lot coming up this half hour.
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>> that's right. coming up, you don't necessarily have to buy a new outfit if you've got a holiday soiree to attend. we've got perhaps some statement pieces like a feathered skirt or sequin pants can make all the difference. we'll tell you how to pair them up for affordable options. >> i have some secret pants. >> sequin pants -- >> we have a afternoon holiday soiree today, so we'll get some tips. also, we've got some really cool images. i know you're a photographer as well. look at this. the pictures of the most extreme and fragile places on earth, the polar regions. the national geographic photographer behind these images has really made it his life's work to highlight these animals and call these places home. we're going to talk to him also about what evidence he's found about the controversy about climate change. >> all right. plus, we've got a live performance, very excited, from 12-time grammy winner, native new yorker alicia keys will sing her hit that i cannot get enough of, "empire state of mind." >> i've got to say, if alicia
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keys were my daughter, i would be so proud of her. all the things she's doing not only with her work, but also her work for children with aids. >> absolutely. then later on, a rock and roll legend, fire-breathing, makeup-wearing gene simmons of kiss stops by the studio. he's actually going to make kathie lee up to look like that. >> is he going to wear the makeup in the broadcast? >> i hope not. that could be frightening. >> there you go. first, let's get a check of the weather. all righty. looking ahead to the weekend, wet in the pacific northwest, snow left over in the mid-atlantic states. look for sunshine but mild conditions from texas into the southwest. then sunday, sunday, we'll have lake-effect snow around the great lakes, showers in the >> don't expect any weather trouble on the thursday morning commute. on the cold side, of course. temperatures after starting in the 20
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>> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, thanks a lot, al. coming up next, affordable holiday style without sparing the spackle. it's coming up. can everyone hear me? uh, just barely. great, let's get started. surprise! you guys! (announcer) now scott extra soft tissue has a new design, and it's our softest ever. and one mega roll has more sheets than four of the competitions regular rolls. wow! this is really soft! new guy. (announcer) new scott extra soft tissue... softness done right!
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have come home to custom roasted maxwell house. really great flavor. i love the taste. hmmm. hmmm. smooth. rich. fabulous. is it "hmmm?" hmmm. (announcer) taste why maxwell house is good to the last drop. but you can take home that dentist smooth clean feeling with oral-b rechargeable brushes. dentist inspired cupping action sweeps away up to twice as much plaque as a regular manual brush. oral-b rechargeable brushes. starting at $22.
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oral-b rechargeable brushes. cococome up for a visit. mom: so we took her to our olive garden. girl: it was really cool just hanging out - the three of us. vo: try our new manicotti formaggio with shrimp in creamy carbonara sauce. or with chicken in homemade parmesan sauce. vo: only at olive garden. pop-tarts®, please! ♪ ( sfx: toaster pop ) when you give your kids... kellogg's frosted strawberry pop-tarts®... baked with real fruit, they'll rise. and you'll shine. ( sfx: mom giggles ) pop-tarts®. made for fun™. owwww.... (announcer) not just sinus headache... but pressure...
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and congestion. (announcer) you need a sinus medicine ooohhh... that rescues you from all three symptoms introducing new sudafed pe® triple action™. for more complete relief from the sinus triple threat. get more complete relief. with new sudafed pe® triple action™. also find sudafed® behind the counter. like 2009 h1n1, there are several steps you can take. wash your hands and get your flu shot. regularly disinfect surfaces to reduce the spread of germs. and perhaps the most important step of all, talk to your friends about doing the same. instead of spreading flu viruses, like 2009 h1n1, let's help spread protection.
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♪ this morning on "today's style," spicing up your holiday outfits. with millions of americans tightening their belts this year, a little touch of glamour is all you need to make an ordinary outfit extraordinary. "project runway" finalist laura bennett is a fashion designer and author. good morning to you, laura. >> hello, hello. >> happy holidays. >> thank you. >> good to have you here again. >> thank you. >> so, a lot of people worried about spending a lot of money, but it's really adding a touch of sparkle to your wrd robe. >> right. i have a theory that you can take your favorite outfit and just replace one of the pieces with something more glamorous and you're ready for the holidays. >> so, this beautiful black dress you have on, you could just add a great accessory. >> yeah, a great accessory. these head bands are in all the stores or just a sparkly bag. grab it and ready to go. >> or your dorothy shoes. >> right? >> no place like home. >> nothing says holidays like red sparkly shoes, or there's no place like home. what a perfect message. >> let's look at what's lined up for us this morning.
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our first model, amy, is wearing what is really the signature of the season, sequin pants. >> sequin pants. liza minnelli called and she wants her pants back. >> yes. this is really stunning. >> i love these pants. now, you see in the stores a lot of sequin leggings and you have to be kind of -- you have to be careful with those. >> right. >> this is a much more flattering cut. it's a full leg. it looks great on all figures. >> more slimming. >> yeah. and i just think they're amazing. everyone has a favorite jacket and pair of pants. here you just replace the pants you usually wear with this and, boom, you're ready to go. >> and really it's not adding much when it comes to the accessories because the pants really are the statement here, right? >> yeah. you don't need much more when you're wearing -- >> sequin pants that sparkle enough. >> sequin pants. >> gorgeous. and with the velvet blazer, a nice touch. >> but it doesn't even have to be velvet. any fabric of blazer, any color. >> thank you. simple but beautiful. amy, thank you very much. our next model, jessica, is wearing a feathered skirt, which is not something you see every day, but flirty, fun --
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>> not something you see every day. >> and very holiday spirit. >> very flirty and again, very unexpected and fun. imagine that she had on just a simple black pencil skirt and we placed with this, and boom, ready to go. >> it does say holiday. >> and you have tomorrow careful if you're going to wear a feathered skirt. i think it definitely has to be fitted on top and maybe shorter than it normally would, so you don't look like a big, fuzzy christmas ornament. >> right, exactly. >> but it's just fun. >> and anyone can get away with this look with the right combination. >> yeah. just don't go big all over. >> right. >> because the feathers are going to add some volume. as long as everything else is fitted, anyone can get away with it. >> and one little piece can really go a long way when it comes down to it, with a feathered skirt. >> and $59. >> great. thank you, jessica. next is portia, and she's wearing a glittery top for us. and again, sequins is everywhere this holiday season. >> it's the sparkle. >> yes. >> i know, i'm like a fish.
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just put something sparkly in front of me and i grab at it. i love it. again, imagine that she had on her favorite top with a pair of jeans and all she did was, boom, switch out the top. one glamorous piece and you're ready. >> and the silhouette, the off-the-shoulder is huge right now. >> asymmetrical is big. >> asymmetrical. beautiful. >> and this is beautiful because it has the sequins and the print. >> and this could be casual or an elegant party. thank you so much. next we have rebecca, and she's got on a sequins skirt. >> sequins skirt. >> just to complete the look here. sort of a pencil skirt. >> i love this outfit. >> beautiful. >> imagine she had on a pair of jeans and didn't even change her shoes and she's party ready. >> great. it's beautiful. >> she's wearing her father's belt. how's that for budget? >> there you go. >> look in your dad's closet. >> it's about recycling what you already have in your closet. >> i love the dichotomy of the velvet and the sequins with the chunkier boot. it's a lot of fun. comfortable and she'll be warm. >> great. beautiful outfit, rebecca. let's bring all the ladies out for one last look, if we can.
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come on in, girls. happy holidays to all of you. thanks for being here. you look spectacular. laura bennett, as always, thank you. happy holidays to you. up next, a polar obsession. stunning images from a "national geographic" photographer. vo: people who spent $100 a week at the leading national supermarkets on frequently purchased groceries... vo: ...could have saved $110 in just two months by shopping at walmart. vo: imagine the special gifts you can buy your family with the savings. save money. live better. walmart.
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world leaders have been gathering in copenhagen, as we've been reporting in recent days, to debate and discuss the effects of climate change. and for more than ten years, "national geographic" photographer paul niklin has captured unique images of wildlife in both the arctic and antarctic. in his new book called "polar obsession," nicklen takes
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photographs that present important insights into behavior, the fragile polar environment and climate change that threatens the ice and its inhabitats. paul nicklen, good morning. >> good morning. >> polar obsession. did you sometimes wish you had a beach obsession? i mean, this is a tough environment to work in. >> it is, it is a tough environment. >> but you love it. >> i love it i've lived there since i was 4 years old. i grew up there with my teachers, so it's a place i'm comfortable working and i've been able to use those life skills to get these pictures of places that people rarely get to see. >> rarely get to see, because we get to see things through your pictures that really no one will ever see except if they get to see a picture like yours. how many months would you say, how many years have you spent trying to take these images? >> i was a biologist before and was shooting then, but i'd say 15 years now i've been going hard core trying to get these images, working full time, gone nine months a year, living on the sea ice every year for the last 15 years. >> and when you go, there's so many things -- i've been to antarctic, you've been to
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antarctica, there's so many things to work with, but you're dealing with mostly a metal camera in conditions where if you just touch the metal, your skin can come off. >> right. >> so, how did you deal with the environment to get these images? >> it's just putting in the time and it's challenging, but i'll be on the ice for up to a month. i might get one good hour of photography every month, and that's what you have to wrap your brain around. so, you're sitting in a tank, your ice floes are drifting out to sea when you're camping on them. and you're waiting for the one good hour in one month of waiting. antarctica is different. you get a lot of life in ant ashlgt ka. >> you're also a diver. we saw pictures under water. >> i dive underneath the ice, 29-degree fahrenheit water, extremely cold, to go under the ice. and you have to not only survive, but not only take pictures, but good art to make people care about the environment. >> all the pain and suffering you've endured, these pictures that you've been able to take, what have you seen about what's happening in these parts of the
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world where we don't get to go that relates to this issue of climate change? what you are you seeing? what is the evidence you're seeing? >> that's why i care about it so deeply, because since i was a child until now, living in the arctic -- i still live there -- i've seen change everywhere. they're talking about inconsistent weather patterns. the ice is shattering consistently. i had two people die where the ice broke under their snowmobiles. as we lose the ice, we stand to lose an entire ecosystem and we will lose that in the next 7 to 15 years, scientists are projecting. so, the effects are now. the debate's over and it's these species that i care so much about. that's why i do my work and try so hard to tell my story. >> you just made your statement. thank you, paul nicklen. the book is "polar obsession." you can find more of paul's images at next, a live performance from
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♪ >> announcer: "the toyota concert series on today" brought to you by toyota. toyota, moving forward. 12-time grammy award-winner alicia keys has a brand new album out, released this week, called "element of freedom." this morning she's gracing us with a live performance. before we get started, though, we heard you talking earlier with natalie about your group keep a child alive and your mission on world aids day. but you've got something that's going on. you're going to be changing five lives. tell us about this. >> absolutely. we started an initiative where you text the word alive to 90999 and you will help to donate to keep a child alive, and i will choose five people from the people that text alive and bring them back to africa with me. so, text alive to 90999 and come
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with me and change the world one child at a time. >> thank you. what are you going to do? >> i'm doing "empire state of mind," singing it just for you. >> woo! alicia keys. ♪ ♪ ooh, new york ♪ grew up in a town that's as famous as a place i've only seen ♪ ♪ noise is always loud, there are sirens all around and the streets are mean ♪ ♪ if i can make it here, i can make it anywhere, that's what they say ♪ ♪ see my face in lights, see my
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name on marquees found down on broadway ♪ ♪ even if it ain't all it seems, i've got a pocket full of dreams, baby i'm from new york ♪ ♪ concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do now you're in new york ♪ ♪ these streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you ♪ ♪ hear it for new york, new york, new york ♪ ♪ on the avenue there ain't never a curfew, ladies work so hard ♪ ♪ such a melting pot, on the corner selling rock, preachers pray to god ♪
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♪ hail a gypsy cab takes me down from hawthorne to the brooklyn bridge ♪ ♪ someone sleeps tonight with a hunger for more than an empty fridge ♪ ♪ i'm gonna make it by any means, i've got a pocket full of dreams ♪ ♪ baby, i'm from new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ there's nothing you can't do now you're in new york ♪ ♪ these streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you, hear it for ♪ ♪ new york, new york, new york ♪ one hand in the air for the big city, street lights, big
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dreams all looking pretty ♪ ♪ no place in the world that can compare, put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeah ♪ ♪ say yeah, yeah, yeah, in new york ♪ ♪ concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do ♪ ♪ now you're in new york ♪ these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you ♪ ♪ hear it for new york, new york, new york ♪ ♪ >> happy holidays, new york city and all across the world. >> woo! >> alicia keys, thank you so much. that was wonderful. >> love that song. >> happy holidays. >> happy holidays. >> thank you. all right, and coming up, we've got the king of chocolate, jacques torres, stopping by with holiday -- oh, the lights came
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back -- holiday candy for your sweet tooth. >> that's coming up. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. the controversy over city budget cuts continues today. members of the fire department units are expected to march to city hall for a rally against the cuts. firefighters and fire officers say they "no longer have the resources to adequately protect our citizens of." the battle with the city hall has been ongoing, but outrage sparked last week when a man died in a fire at a northwest baltimore home but fire officials said that if the talks had not been on a rotating
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closures, the
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>> welcome back. the weather should be pretty quiet on this thursday. mostly sunny skies expected today and the afternoon. temperatures will be below normal. as we head into the weekend, dry and chilly on friday. good chance for snow coming up on saturday. >> see you back here for 11 news and then.
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